Business, Services and Skills

I’m Enough is proudly supported by New Zealand businesses who provide pro bono work as their donation to I’m Enough and the wider community. We are always interested in hearing from any business interested in donating time and skill. To discuss further, please fill in the form below.

Teenagers who want to contribute.

I’m Enough is always looking for teens and young people to volunteer and share their stories, lessons and tips. This is typically done via a Podcast that is then shared on our website.

Please fill in the form below and an I’m Enough representative will be with you shortly.

Our teenagers and young adults

If you have a business that would like to contribute a service, or are an individual looking to share their story, get in touch with us today.

    Name *

    Phone number *

    E-mail Address *

    Business Name *

      Name *

      Phone number *

      E-mail Address *

      Business Name *

        Name *

        Phone number *

        E-mail Address *

        Age *


        What would you like to share?

        What did you learn from this experience (or experiences) that you believe could be of value to others?
