Positive Mindset with Barry Auchettl
Barry helps people develop strategies to move their life forward. Mindset is the difference between an ordinary life or an extraordinary life. What’s the self-talk that is going on. Negative self talk is destructive.
What can you do to shift your mindset?
Get a note book for your pocket. Divide into a left-hand side and a right-hand side. Pick yourself up when you say things like “I am no good”. But repeat of even an expression can have negative impact on your mindset.
Now consider something positive. But be realistic. It could be something like, I am doing the best that I can. It may not be perfect, but I am doing the best I can.
When it comes to digital.
• Im not enough, I don’t have enough likes.
• Im not enough, I don’t have enough followers.
• Im not enough, I don’t have content engagements.
But let’s put it into perspective. It really is only a click of a button.
Tips include
• Consider a digital break. Look at the impact on your world.
• The phycology of the tools being developed and their lure to keep you returning.
E.g. I’m enough, I will only attract those people who know me.
Postive Mind Shift – Postive Mindset.