Being an owner of the digital marketing agency, I certainly believe that the evolution of technology has given us several good things but there are some downsides as well.
I M Enough is created to help you with coping strategies. A call out from one friend to another – Lets like Jane because we want to get her to 2000 followers. But on the other side, we have teenagers coming from young adults. Many adults reflect on this period of our life where we are potentially filled with so many levels of I’m not enough.
I firmly believe that the current generation of youngsters is going through the period of change in their life with a spotlight of digital flooding down on them. They are the first generation to do so. Now we return to Jane – when she releases content to this page with her co-opted 2000 followers, she becomes stressed. She is concerned about how many people will actually connect with her content. And yes, she is judging herself by this process. Yet, in reality – she really does not know most of the people on her page. So is this a reality of self-assessment.
How is this impacting on our health? Our doctors are saying they have never seen the levels of anxiety and depression amongst our youth.