Where did Im Enough come from? A consolidation of information from young and parents.
Cathy Mellett of Im Enough chats to Mandy Beverley of the Remarkable Group. Mandy is pleased to be aligned with this cause.
She is focused and strongly motivated by people stepping into the full potential and possibilities that exist for them.
A mindset that is resourceful and flexibility helps us become the best that we can be. This works at so many levels including developing intuition and self-governance. The ability to govern our emotions and our wellbeing in the world.
Our Topic – My friends are being mean to me. Online or Offline.
Mandy confirms that universal energy needs positive and negative to create light. So, if you need this to exist to create light on a bigger picture – we also need this for our emotions and our mindset.
We will always have a balance. People will be mean and nice to us. This is a balance. The problem is that as humans we want pleasure without pain. Just like there is up and down, laws of gravity and laws of the universe.
If a friend is being mean to me. Then ask the question – who was being nice to me in that exact same moment.
There is always a balance of energies. If we are only focused on someone being mean, then that is all we will see and observe. Look around – You will always find someone being supportive at that moment.
If you know that you cannot have a positive without a negative, then go and look for the other part of the balanced equation. Stop yourself and reflect on what is good, what is positive. This is a great strategy that can stop you from becoming despondent or feeling the emotion associated with someone being mean to me.
Every human being has every trait. Mean, kindness etc. We need these traits to play in the world.
If you are worried – look for the other side.
Use your intuition.
Then step back and reflect.
Or even ask the question – where have I been mean.
If we go about thinking that everyone is perfect, we never do things that are bad. Then reflect on the universal laws and work on taking the charge out of the situation.
Consider how you absorb things. If someone says – you have green hair. Why do we then take on board when someone calls you are a NAME. Again, look at the power of questions. If your intuition says that this is incorrect, then you don’t need to take it on board. But if you can own the moments when you for e.g have been Mean and Nasty – own it. Then you stand for that and it really removes further conversation. Own when you have been but don’t absorb when you haven’t been.
Take back your power. Power to absorb, the power to reflect, the power to stand at that moment and reflect on how you will react to what someone has said.
We are incredibility powerful. Our minds are powerful, our minds are our beliefs. Our mind can then influence our brain and our body.
It is about valuing who you are. It is something we all fluctuate on. Feeling good, feeling not so great. But positive and negative is needed to grow.
Challenge yourself and then turn things around.
What can I do to do that and watch the support came in.
We are playing with a rule book within the universe without a full understanding of the rules. Having an awareness is always very valuable.