6 Mindful social media tips to make your life happier!

Ever spent hours scrolling your timeline and just going through random stuff on your social media accounts?

If so, then you are not alone.

We have all been there and to be honest, this is one of the bad things about social media.

While it is a great way to stay connected to your loved ones and keep yourself updated, social media can also affect your lives adversely if you are not careful. In fact, do you know that stress, anxiety, and depression are common side effects of excessive social media usage? Yes, you can actually get depressed with Tik Tok!

This is why it is important to monitor your social media usage carefully and use your time on social media “Mindfully”. This might sound hard to do (we know it does), but don’t worry, we got these amazing tips you can follow to make it easier:

2) Have your phone on silent mode:

Silent mode is a blessing. Use it!

We have a very short attention span and an irrelevant notification can distract you from tasks at hand. Always keep your phone on silent mode and don’t let social media disturb your daily life anymore.

4) Detox from social media sometimes:

Keep it simple! If you are not using a social media app; simply delete it for your own well-being. After all, you can always download the app again ;)

6) Purposeful using:

If you are not careful, you can end up wasting hours (yes, hours) on social media. That’s why always ask yourself “Why am I here again?”. If you are just killing time with it, maybe logging off is a better idea. Maybe look for a new hobby or think about not killing but investing your time in something more fun or even learning a new thing!

1) Turn off Notifications on all social media:

Believe it or not, turning off notifications for social media is a great tip to save time. We spend enough time using our cellphones already and by simply turning of the social media notifications, you can focus on things that are actually important.

Be in control over when and how often you want to spend time online.

3) Never click on ads:

Avoid clicking irrelevant ads or even ads altogether. As soon as you click an ad, more and more of the same type of ads will flood your timeline and that is manipulative.

5) Choose MINDFULLY who you want to follow/Check-in:

Ever felt compared to those good-looking (and with perfect lives) influencers? Social media can be a great source of learning and inspiration if you are following THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Always, choose a small scale of people that you want to follow and gain inspiration from to stop aimless scrolling and comparing.

Wrapping it up:                                                                                                         

Social media can be a blessing where you learn new skills and connect to your loved ones or it can turn out to be a source of depression and stress if you are not careful. Visit imenough.co to learn more useful tips on social media usage and spend your time wisely and other helpful resources.

Emergency and help lines


Anxiety phone line – 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY)

Mental Health Crisis Helpline

Mental Health Crisis Helpline - 0800 800 717


Depression and anxiety affects us all differently.
Free 24/7 Helpline: 0800 111 757 Text 4202

Website Address

Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or (09) 5222 999 within Auckland


Youthline – 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email talk@youthline.co.nz or online chat


Whatever you're going through, call us any time on 0800 726 666.

Website Address
Suicide Crisis Helpline

Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
What's Up – 0800 942 8787 (for 5–18 year olds).
Phone counselling is available Monday to Friday, midday–11pm and weekends, 3pm–11pm. Online chat is available 7pm–10pm daily.


Kidsline – 0800 54 37 54 (0800 kidsline) for young people up to 18 years of age. Open 24/7.

Sexuality or gender identity helpline

thelowdown.co.nz – Phone: 0800 111 757 or email team@thelowdown.co.nz or free text 5626

Website Address
Supporting Families in Mental Illness

Supporting Families in Mental Illness - 0800 732 825.

Mental health services – Ministry of Health

We all face challenges to our mental health at various times in our lives. The way we’re feeling can change how we think and how we deal with tough times.

There’s a range of resources and services available to help including phone and online services and information, as well as face-to-face support.

Most services are free and provide information and confidential advice from trained professionals. There's also information for family, whānau, or friends if they need advice and support.

If you’re told that there is a waiting time for a service, please still reach out and make contact. Other supports can be put in place – ask what you can try in the meantime.


Helplines for children and young people

Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time to talk to a trained counsellor.

To talk to a trained counsellor 24/7 call the Depression helpline – 0800 111 757.

To get help from a registered nurse 24/7 call Healthline – 0800 611 116.

Youthline – 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email talk@youthline.co.nz or online chat.

What's Up  – 0800 942 8787, (for 5–18-year-olds). Phone counselling is available Monday to Friday, 1 pm–10 pm and on weekends, 3 pm–10 pm. Online chat is available from 7 pm–10 pm daily.

Website Address