Cathy Mellett

Mother, Founder, and owner of a digital company, Net Branding.

My name is Cathy Mellett. I have worked in technology for many years and am the owner of a Digital Agency.  I have seen communication change with the introduction of new technologies and social tools. This will continue to impact on the way people communicate with others. There are huge positives in embracing the online space – In fact, I promote these at many levels with my clients.

The most immediate benefit is the ease with which we connect and reach out to others, with immediate effect.  “I am all for change and certainly embrace change.”

The ever-changing way we interact has brought incredible good to our communities – but nothing is perfect and there are downsides.

Developing personal strategies to cope is essential.

How should you address a constant infiltration of devices, messages, expectations, and demands on yourself, your personal image and your brand? Digital communication certainly isn’t perfect when doctors see more patients with anxiety and self-esteem issues than ever before.

I am concerned about the impact that infiltrating technology takes place in a person’s mindset as a metric of their own self-worth.

I’m Enough was created to support you. To develop positive strategies for you to use when you feeling out of balance. To avoid the spiral into low self-esteem, questioning of your validity and instead reaffirming your feeling of worth.”

I’m Enough – Digital Strategies for those young people and those that care about them.

If you interested in finding out more about I'm Enough whether in a supporter role or as a teen volunteer, please reach out to me via the I'm Enough Website.

Sonja Bruyns

It is a privilege to be entrusted with the stewardship of I’m Enough, a registered New Zealand Charitable Trust, as its Chief Executive Officer.

I use my work and life experiences, education, and above all, my passion to truly make a difference in lives. My focus throughout my work and personal life has always been on the well-being of children, youth, and families. At I’m Enough I have the opportunity to equip and empower our young people and their loved ones with digital coping strategies and skills to sail smoothly and safely through the online ocean.

My skills set has been well developed in a career that has spanned a wide range of Charitable Organisations, Churches, Corporate Companies, Not-for-Profit Institutions, as well as Small and Medium Enterprises. I have proven business acumen and extensive operational and financial experience. These skills serve me very well in the day-to-day operations of our organisation. I hold qualifications in Accounting, Psychology, Theology, and have a Post Grad. in Management. I am currently studying towards a Masters Degree in Advanced Leadership Practice through Massey University Business School.

Now that you know all about me, I would love to hear from you. Here at I’m Enough we welcome, youth, their loved ones, volunteers and supporters with open arms. I’m Enough was founded for YOU! You ARE enough! You are SO enough, it is unbelievable HOW enough you are…contact us today and let’s start a new conversation.

Website Address
Dr Fran Brinn (DClinPsych)

Dr Fran Brinn (DClinPsych) is a Registered Clinical Psychologist in Blenheim, New Zealand. She continues to prioritize professional development, with training in EMDR, Compassion Focused Therapy, Graded Motor Imagery and Cognitive Analytic Therapy. "I will work with you to improve your life.”